The first UEFI bootkit malware for Linux has been detected, so users beware

The first UEFI bootkit malware for Linux has been detected, so users beware

  • ESET researchers uncover ‘Bootkitty’, a first-of-its-kind UEFI bootkit for Linux
  • Bootkitty seems to be in early stages of development, but could pose a major risk
  • Linux users warned to be on their guard against possible attacks

UEFI bootkits are reportedly making their way into Linux, researchers from ESET have warned, after spotting a first-of-its-kind Linux UEFI bootkit, which seems to either be an experimental version, or a version in early development stages.

UEFI bootkits are sophisticated malware targeting the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), which is responsible for booting an operating system and initializing hardware. These bootkits compromise the firmware at a low level, meaning that even reinstalling the operating system, or even replacing the hard drive, does not eliminate the malware’s presence. Even antivirus programs have difficulties spotting them.

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